Musicians Tour Guide - Fitness

On the Road

Checklist (pdf)


24 hour services



Hanging out

Health care

• Liquor stores

Practical needs


Pdf version


POOLS (not only pools...showers!)

Alex Duff North side of Bloor at Christie (in Christie Pitts Park)
Alexandra Park South-East corner of Bathurst Street and Dundas West
Gus Ryder/Sunnyside Lakeshore Boulevard West, just West of Parkside Drive (not the most convenient, but has an historic ‘20’s bathouse).
High Park On High Park Avenue, just South of Bloor Street (not convenient, but in a large park with a petting zoo).
Stanley Park South side of King Street West, 3 blocks West of Bathurst Street.

Bob Abate 485 Montrose Ave., 392-0745
Harrison Pool 15 Stephanie Street, 392-7984 (just off of Queen Street, East of Spadina)
Niagara CC 700 Wellington Street West, 392-7607
St Lawrence CRC 230 The Esplanade, 392-1347
Trinity CRC 155 Crawford Street, 392-0743

Dufferin Grove Park South East corner of Dufferin and Dufferin Park Ave, South of Bloor Street (not convenient, but in a large park)
High Park West side of Colburne Lodge Drive
East side of Colburne Lodge Drive
Parkside Drive South of Bloor Street (not convenient, but in a large park with a petting zoo).
Johnathan Ashbridge Park South side of Queen Street East, 4 blocks West of Coxwell Ave (in the Beaches area).
Kew Gardens South side of Kew Beach Ave. at Waverly Road (in the Beaches area).
Marylin Bell Park Side of Lakeshore Boulevard, West of Dufferin Street (near Ontario Place)
Moss Park North West corner of Queen Street East and Sherbourne Street
Stanley Park South side of King Street West, 3 blocks West of Bathurst Street.
Toronto Island Park South of Hanlan’s Point accessible by ferry at foot of Bay Street
Trinity Bellwoods Park North Side of Queen Street West, between Crawford Street and Gorevale Ave.

Bikes on Wheels 309 Augusta Ave. (Kensington Market) 966-2453 (966-bike) (right beside a laundry-mat)
Dave Fix My Bike 130 Harbord 944-2453 (944-bike)
McBride Cycle 2797 Dundas Street West 763-5651 Visa for rental, day rates about 22.00 per
2 Queens Quay (Across from Queens Quay Terminal, near the Island ferry)
Wheel Excitement 5 Rees(South of the Skydome, also rents rollerblades, also near Island Ferry) 260 9000

McBride Cycle 2797 Dundas Street West 763-5651 Visa for rental, day rates about 22.00 per
2 Queens Quay (Across from Queens Quay Terminal, near the Island ferry)
Wheel Excitement 5 Rees(South of the Skydome, also rents rollerblades, also near Island Ferry) 260 9000


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